Tuesday, November 4, 2014

10 Spruce-Up Tips in 10 Days. Get More Added Value to Your Home Before You Put it on the Market!!

Fix What's Broken!

Okay, folks.  This one seems so simple, but I cannot begin to tell you how many times that I've heard a seller tell me, "Well it's functioned just fine for me, so it will be just fine for the next person."  If you want a "just fine" price, maybe that's a good attitude to have.  However, people that don't care to fix the issues typically think that they will get more money by not putting anything into their home to get it sold.  
I hate to be there bearer of bad news, but no.  That's so not how it works.  Every little detail that a buyer can negotiate on, you'd best believe that they're going to do whatever they can do in order to get the best price they can get on your home.  If there's a huge list that has to be completed, I can almost promise you that, at the negotiation table, every little item will start to add up quickly.  Now, if you're handy, there may be several items that you can take care of on your own.  However, when in doubt, hire it out!!  The advantage to you taking care of this list ahead of time is that it not only makes less time and room for negotiations, but your home will typically sell quicker. 
One thing that you can do that will help you with your list of things that you can and can't see is to go ahead and get a home inspection done.  Depending on your area, that can start around $450, but in the listing your agent does of your home, the agent can state that the inspection was already completed and every item was taken care of.  (It's even better if there are no items, but I haven't seen that yet!)  Once you get the inspection taken care of, use the report to go through and take care of everything on that list.  Also, share with your agent that you've done this if they didn't already know.  
Now, if you're financially able to take care of some of these changes on your own, then do it!  If not, take time and talk to your agent about how to price your house appropriately with the market and the needed repairs.  Unfortunately, you can't base the price on what you paid for it 5 years ago, or how much of a down payment you need for your next home purchase.  The market, quite frankly, doesn't really care about any of that stuff!
Again, doing these repairs before you put your home on the market will help in the negotiation process, and will potentially help you get more money for your current home!
Good luck and happy selling!!

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